When I went through the application task I could not understand what to do , but quickly I went through the resources given and just typed “network connections” in Google and I got lot of information which I will never be able to have at the finger tip if not of the technological connections . That is how network has changed my way of learning. As a traditional student I had only face to face experiences. Due to the social network sites and others now I’m learning quickly and I also enjoy learning. Main difference is that I do not need to buy books and any other printed materials. As I illustrated in my mind map my main network activity is posting massages and using email. Before 2 months I was not familiar with most of the network examples I have given in my mind map. It is Walden university course which initiate and expand my network connections..As we are learning with all the social barriers the ability to connect to any source of knowledge is an advantage. The network connections changed my learning style. Earlier my style was reading a note and recalling but now i use listening, watching, typing, voice chatting, etc These different types of network connections stimulate the nervous system in different ways .
Google is the best tool I have used up to now. Even though we need to be aware of the amount of information we get and how to select appropriate information,I love to search for new topics through Google. When I have a question I will blog or will mail or will post the question. I will get the answers quickly than referring a book. Answering to others questions also will help us to gain knowledge. Because before answering I have to read and find about the context. My social networking sites such as face book, yahoo, you tube, blogs etc have helped me in several ways such as connecting friends,providing information once it has given me support and encouragement specially by connecting peers, teachers ,friends ,students Instructors, professors etc
According to George Siemens’ theory , Connectivism is the combined effect of three different components: chaos theory, importance of networks, and the interplay of complexity and self-organization. My personal learning networks such as Wikipedia, podcasts, university web sites have been very useful in this course. Specially Walden U library site in which I have referred many useful documents for each week. Net work connections have supported central tenets of connectivism .
Reference : Davis, C., Edmunds, E., & Kelly-Bateman, V. (2008). Connectivism. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from